July 2023
At the beginning of the month, we were still very much enjoying our summer vacation in Annecy, France. Still impressed, that this all still worked out.
I always take way too long with the vacation posts. I take way too many pictures and then it takes me ages to boil them down to a palatable set. I should probably work on my process. Anyway, let’s get started:

Proper relaxation

Watching the clouds go by.

A hoop is always very welcome!

A playground, too!

Riding through the landscape.

Running through the landscape.

Kind of fascinating this camera worked in there with its f/11 1/125 fixed exposure.

We went on a hike. In colour!

It started to rain.


Went on a cruise to Annecy town.

The shade was your friend.

Some fascinating shadows.

Yeah, you, too, I guess!

Boating ducks.

Karl Lauterbach cameo.


Piou Piou



Our huge camper.

We visited a gorge.

With lots of debris.


Last evening at the lake.

Driving back.

We returned the rental and, now without campervan, we had to cram everything into a (rental) car to drive back home. It was packed.

Back in Düsseldorf. Ratinger Str.

The things that lie around.

Finally: Düsseldorfer Kirmes again!

Mum came along, too.

So much fun!

On the subway.

A workshop at the library to make stop-motion movies with an iPad.

Showing results to family.
Then Udo and I spent a weekend in the Eifel. For the most part, we went hiking and taking photos. But we also played some board games and watched trashy films at night. Perfect!

There was beer involved, too, of course.


Wow, more colour!

Really like this film (and I think slide film in general). It’s Fuji Provia, which I couldn’t get anymore since then.

It’s always nice, when such photos work out.

Jesus Fucking Christ


Had a dinner date night. Which is rare.

Umbrella party.
And then I also made a trip to Berlin with Zoe. I once again had this underutilised BahnCard, which demanded being used. So off we went. We met up with Tim and Sophie and their little new-born, and also explored the city.

There was this old-school (and slightly dangerous) toaster at our AirBnB.

We managed, though. ;)

Have you seen the film “High Tension”?

We went to the old listening station on the Teufelsberg.

Last time I wanted to go, it was closed for a movie shoot.

Artful branches.

Leaf collector.

Met with Sophie and Tim for breakfast!

Got a tour of their camper.


Still a favourite.

Back at the accommodation.

Wandering the city one day, it started to pour down.

We seized the opportunity to have a snack.

Everyone was waiting.


I probably made a silly dad joke.

Visiting Shumon. He has like the biggest collection of Randy Rhoads style guitars.

Practically, he’s actually more a of drummer. ;)

Zoe in a tree.

A little bit of history must be taught!

Going back to Düsseldorf.