Daniel Pietzsch’s Photo Journal

Personal documentary and street photography

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  1. June

    A family trip to Belgium, Folkerdey, quite a few things in between, and of course our camper motorway crash false start into the summer holidays.

  2. May

    The circus came to town. Frankeninferno. Camping in Perlenau. And a visit to the Neaderthal museum.

  3. April

    The birthdays continue. It's Easter. Another studio visit. Beyond Tellerrand conference. A poker night. And the all the stuff in between.

  4. March

    Three birthdays and a studio visit.

  5. February

    Ski vacation in Austria and Elfi's birthday.

  6. January

    Starting the new year in and around Düsseldorf.


  1. December

    Finishing 2022

  2. November

    We visited Schloss Benrath here in Düsseldorf.

  3. October

    A trip to the mountains and a recording session.

  4. September

    Zoe‘s birthday and only a handful of other images.

  5. August

    Panoramic summer impressions.

  6. July

    Two parties, some rare visitors, a camping trip, a Krimidinner, and some horse riding.

  7. June

    Irrland and southern France.

  8. May

    Various activities in Düsseldorf and a work trip to France.

  9. April

    At the Aquazoo Düsseldorf, Easter, COVID infection, and a jam session.

  10. March

    Mostly photos from my birthday party.

  11. February

    Flying a kite, flea market and a pizza dinner.

  12. January

    It’s the January post. With New Year’s leftovers and family photos.


  1. September – December

    A trip to Berlin. Zoe turns four. A work event. Friends turning forty. Family holiday in Italy. A band reunion of sorts. Christmas and New Year's. And the usual documentation in between.

  2. May – August

    Our three weeks summer holiday, weekend camping trips, some bike riding and other activities in Düsseldorf.

  3. January – April

    Life and death, sun and snow, at home and on the go.


  1. January – December

    The whole strange year in one big entry.


  1. December

    Meetings with friends and family. And some impressions of Düsseldorf.

  2. November

    First photos with my new Rollei 35 S. A concert. A demonstration. And everything in between.

  3. October

    Back to “normal” life.

  4. September

    The holiday month. Photos of various stops in the alps. But mainly street photographs from Venice.

  5. August

    A family gathering near Brussels, commuting photos and the usual documentation.

  6. July

    Funfair, Nord Open Air and life in between.

  7. June

    June was lovely with its long and sunny days. This one includes a few frames from around home, but mainly from our long-weekend camping trip to Holland.

  8. May

    IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf, our first camping trip this year, and all the other bits in between.

  9. April

    The first month living in the new neighbourhood. And so this post contains shots around there, at home, and of course random shots in between, which is the result of me taking my cameras everywhere I go.

  10. March

    March was a mixed bag. I was doing lots of trips back and forth between Ratingen and Düsseldorf, preparing the move into our new apartment. Plus, I started a new/old job again, being busy working full time again.

  11. February

    A tiny bit of street photography again.

  12. January

    Dad on a visit and other daily-life snapshots.


  1. December

    Still in a bit of a photographic rut, I didn’t take that many pictures this month, either. But here are twelve. And this wraps up 2018.

  2. November

    Simply ten photographs.

  3. October

    In Paris.

  4. September

    Back on the road. We made a trip to Normandy and other parts of the French Atlantic coast.

  5. August

    Another month of summer back home.

  6. July

    Some French Alpes leftovers, and documentation back home again.

  7. June

    Camping along the Côte-d’Azur, some street photography in Nice, and the mountainous landscapes of the French Alpes.

  8. May

    Time to travel again. Destination: southern France.

  9. April

    Twenty photos of the day-to-day.

  10. March

    Visiting my brother, his partner and their 3 months old daughter near London. Might contain traces of street photography.

  11. February

    Carnival in Ratingen. A Ravage rehearsal. And a couple of leafless trees.

  12. January

    New Year, new photos.


  1. December

    Wrapping up 2017 with more visual recordings of family, friends, and strangers.

  2. November

    We settled into our new home. I completed my Leica setup and happily tried it out both at home and on the streets.

  3. October

    Life with baby continues as we move into a new home.

  4. September

    This one’s about the birth of our daughter.

  5. August

    Back in Düsseldorf!

  6. July

    Lots of travel this month, as we slowly made our way from Croatia’s south all the way back to Germany. We visited a few bigger cities this month – Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Munich – so I was able to shoot quite a bit of street photography again.

  7. June

    Summer was in full swing and we chose to spent most of our time inside or near the water. Expect beach photos.

  8. May

    We arrived in Croatia and spent most of the month on the Istria peninsula in the north. We very much welcomed the milder temperatures, and enjoyed the region’s picturesque little towns.

  9. April

    A trip to Utrecht and the North Sea. Düsseldorf. Some big news. And the way down south.

  10. March

    One whole month spent in Germany. We lived in 2 different apartments and occasionally in the camper. This post features Remscheid, Düsseldorf, Leipzig, and a little bit in between.

  11. February

    In the shortest month of the year Nicole and I travelled to the UK to spend time with my brother Alex and his partner Sarah in England. They invited us to their newish apartment in Woking near London.

  12. January

    As apparent from the previous entry, the year started on the Spanish island of Mallorca, where my Dad and his wife were in progress of moving to. The second half of the month was spent in the Düsseldorf area again.


  1. December

    In December, we returned to Germany. We spent almost two weeks in the north before driving back home to Düsseldorf. It was the month of seeing friends and family again. And then, the year ended with the start of yet another trip.

  2. November

    The days were getting noticeably shorter (thanks, standard time!) and it was getting ever colder. In fact, November featured an unusually early snowstorm, temporarily burying Stockholm under a thick white cover. This was a unique experience and we enjoyed the remaining two weeks in the city very much.

  3. October

    Driving through northern Finland into Sweden, making our way towards Stockholm. And after a lot of nature and small towns, a big city was a welcome change. Especially such a beautiful one as this.

  4. September

    This was our last month in Norway. From Tromsø we continued to drive north: via a quick detour through Finland, we came through Kautokeino, visited the northern end of Norway, and waved a “Hello” to Russia in Kirkenes before heading back south again.

  5. August

    Still travelling Norway, we visited the famous Geiranger Fjord, did some day-walks, visited Trondheim, crossed the polar circle, spent a lovely week on the Lofoten Islands with Nicole’s brother Erik, before making our way to Tromsø further north.

Portrait of Daniel Pietzsch


I’m a passionate hobbyist photographer from Düsseldorf, Germany. This website is my visual diary.

Personal and documentary photography is what I learned to appreciate in recent years and that’s what I’m trying to do with my photography as well: to document my own life, that of my family and friends, and sometimes that of strangers as well – which is why this site also features a fair bit of street photography.

A journal like this gives me a reason to regularly edit the photos I make and it holds me accountable – even if only to myself – to deliver new posts each month. Without sharing, I often don’t bother with any of this – at least not as regularly.

While this site is primarily a personal project, I do put effort into making the posts interesting to others, too. So I hope you enjoy!