July 2022
Two parties, some rare visitors, a camping trip, a Krimidinner, and some horse riding. Here we go:

A petulant horse.

The gang

Went to a Krimidinner at Andre and Jenni’s where we had to play a character in a murder mystery - over dinner.

I played a woman.


Andre and I also met with some old friends from school.


…Nicole to the Dong Open Air. Where Herr Freitag picked her up.

Met a dino on the way to a birthday party.

Where I met most of the Ravage crew.

Nice shower curtain.

Went on a camping trip to Perlenau again. With Andre and Jenni.

We made stick bread.

We played games.

We went on a little hike to Monschau.

Darkthrone-Man with girlfriend.

Darkthrone-Man finishing a beer.

Darkthrone-Man on the swing.

Waiting at the restaurant.

On the way back.

I like photographing trees.

Darkthrone-Man playing guitar.

Juri and Renata with their kids were here, all the way from NZ.

And my brother and his family made a short visit, too.

Summer party at Andre and Jenni’s


Breakfast crew.

Zoe and I went to those summer olympic game stuff in the heart of Düsseldorf.

And we finish this post with a photo from us at Bob and Mary’s, where we went for dinner. And where we all have strange eyes, because of that strange camera.