October 2018
Driving back towards Düsseldorf from the Atlantic coast, you almost can’t avoid Paris. And so I persuaded Nicole to stop there for three days, just so I could indulge in doing some street photography.

Baguette vending machine in the morning. Somewhere in rural France.
On day one, all three of us went to see the city. And I snapped a few photos along the way.


With a child, you get to see places you otherwise wouldn’t. Like playgrounds.

Doggy bag

Day two. Showers. I went on my own and decided to visit the market at Bastille first.

Louvre subway station

Bastille market


Time to head back

Day three. Sunny. My longest day in town. Passed a lot of tourist hotspots. First: Arc de Triomphe.

There was a queue in the middle of the street, where people lined up for a photo in front of the Arc.
For a while I watched the traffic on that huge roundabout.



Me? I had a burrito. Just like him.

Then I switched to the Rolleiflex for a good while. And – again – I have to say that I really like the results and the shooting experience. Should really use it more often for street.

Heading towards Sacré-Cœur, which you can see in the background.

Corn seller


Left hands

Jewish cemetery


Reached Montmartre

Cool bag!


Paid to go up to the top to enjoy the view

Back down to the Metro

…and back up again at the Seine.

City of love

Caught some last light at the Louvre


This one freaked me out a bit when I saw the scan. ;-)

One final Metro ride
Photographing in a big city, and especially such a famous and pretty one like Paris, is always something special. So much is happening and there’s so much to discover. You can never do it justice in photographing just a few days. And I find doing street photography in a metropolis is very rewarding compared to smaller cities: it’s more crowded and diverse and you much more frequently run into interesting situations or people.
Anyhow, that was my set from Paris. I had a great time!
I’ll wrap up this post with a few photos from back home again.

A dam, somewhere in Belgium.

Celebration time.

Last minute, I made it into this entry, too.

As did Herr Freitag again.