April 2023
April had a variety of events to offer. And I was there with my cameras.

Went to the theater (Schauspielhaus) with my mom to watch a play called “Serge”. Was good, as far as I remember. The theater rarely disappoints.

Crowbar at the tiny Pitcher was A+.

Foggy field in Ratingen.

We were there for Hendrik’s 18th birthday.

Zoe in her element.

I joined her and made this horse.

We discovered some markings on the sidewalk.

And made this dragon out of it using crayons.


On Easter sunday, we first visited grandma no 1.

Egg-hunt in the garden.

We stayed for lunch. Asparagus. A family favourite.

Then we drove over to grandma no 2.

…where it was coffee and cake time.

The Easter bunny brought rollerskates.

No better place to try them out than at the local skate park.

Nicole and I went shopping one morning.

View from P&C.

Then we had Ramen and Sushi for lunch.

Three birds.

Zoe thinks having a little race every few meters is way more entertaining than simply walking.

Keeping the rivers clean.

Poker night!

Charly always makes sure we have fabulous drinks.


Bike-way towards the rehearsal space.

Time for Beyond Tellerrand conference!

Sophie Koonin telling me I’m radical.

Inside the “Capitol”.

OMG. Thomas Thwaites telling us about his experience living as a goat.

Met up with and got to know Florian in person. Super nice guy, and a fantastic photographer. Check him out: website and photo blog. Had Ramen for dinner.

Florian at work. He’s one of the official conference photographers. Here are his photos from the event.

New mug in the sun.

Another Düsseldorf view.

Random find.

Went to the studio again. This time to record my basslines.

Markus recording me.

Laurenz invited for his birthday.

Crossing the Fleher Brücke (bridge).

Visiting the lion. There are quite a few statues, sculptures, and paintings or graffities of characters around. And Zoe is friends with all of them.

One more birthday. And I only took this one photo of the salad cutlery.