April 2017
A trip to Utrecht and the North Sea. Düsseldorf. Some big news. And the way down south.
Let’s start with Düsseldorf. That month we had a few days remaining at Andre’s apartment. It was pleasantly warm and sunny and we used them to get the camper ready and to run some errands before moving into our mobile home again.

We went to the NRW Forum to see the excellent “Women on Street” exhibition with photos by Peter Lindbergh and Garry Winogrand.

Towards art

The first camper-trip this year took us to the Netherlands. First up, a day-trip with the in-laws to Utrecht. On this warm and busy Saturday, we took a guided tour, walked through town, took a boat ride on the canals and enjoyed some food and drinks in between.
Alongside, I was able to shoot a bit of street, and given it wasn’t really a photo walk, I’m very pleased with the frames I’ve got.

Must be something exciting on that screen

So Holland

You don’t always have to have a super wide-angle lens to get everyone in the frame in a tight space.
I was also trying out a new film: Kentmere 400. I wanted to try the Kentmere films mainly for economic reasons. They’re almost half the price of HP5 or Tri-X.
I’m not quite sure yet, if I like the results or not. But the film is certainly not as nice as either of the more expensive films I think. It seems to be quite grainy in the highlights and doesn’t seem to have as much latitude. Then again, I probably shouldn’t have switched developers at the same time. But I ran out of Ilford DD-X and wanted something more economical here, too. So I’m now giving LC29 a try. But now I don’t know what’s to blame on the film and what’s to blame on the developer.
Anyhow… on to more Kentmere pictures…

“Emergency Exit”

We sat outside a pub for drinks. And Holland came driving past…

Interesting light

Interesting look

Finishing the evening at a bar called “Lebowski”, where I had the opportunity to try this baby.
After Utrecht, Nicole and I continued driving west to reach the North Sea.
We both had quite a bit of work to do, so we spent a lot of time on our laptops at a small campground, but also took lots of walks on and around the long and wide nearby beach and enjoyed the mostly fine weather.

Barely made it to my seat


2, 1


Back in Düsseldorf, we enjoyed some last meet-ups with friends and family before heading south and being away again for the following couple of months.
But most importantly, we had one last doctors appointment. And that’s where the “big news” from the introduction comes in.

Of course we’ve known for a while, but this was the big check-up in in week twenty.

It’s all good! And we’re very happy about that!

Spreading the news

One day, I happened to walk by the registry office.

The Glen Benton of the CDU

Classic Mom

“Cooking fat disposal”

Got the old jeans jacket out of the closet

Ze Boys

Mini-golfing with Sina and “Magic Marc”. It was very dark in there. Only black light. But it turns out, that is light, too. Not the most flattering maybe, though. White skin turns black!?WTF! ;-)

Then we said goodbye and were on our way down south towards Croatia. But there was one more stop…

A hint at where we’re going

There he is! Haven’t seen Christoph since our gig a year earlier. He took us to enjoy some fine beer (and some non-alcoholic alternatives) in Nuremberg.

“Zum Abort”. Ich glaub, die spinnen!

“Beaver territory. Beware of broken trees”. A sign I haven’t encountered before.

