March 2019
March was a mixed bag. I was doing lots of trips back and forth between Ratingen and Düsseldorf, preparing the move into our new apartment. Plus, I started a new/old job again, being busy working full time again.
In between, we or I visited family and friends for birthdays, I “celebrated” my own, the camper required maintenance – and of course spending time with Zoe is always on the list.


New neighbourhood selfie

New bus stop

Had to eventually buy a new Mac. The old one continued to fail on me. It was getting very impractical and annoying, so I needed something reliable again.

It’s a refurbished 2018 MacBook Pro 13 inch with 1TB SSD and 16GB RAM. Sweet machine (apart from the keyboard maybe). And much smaller and lighter than my previous 15-inch MBP. Setting it up right there in the Apple Store.

Birthday boy.

Early morning commute.

Evening commute.

At the Schauspielhaus.

Cheers, Mum!

Birthday present. One can never have enough Vivian Maier monographs.

ÖPNVing again.

Birthday date-night at our favourite cocktail bar.

Zoe getting into computers.

The main task for the new flat was to add a completely new kitchen. And we were pretty fast on the planning and buying. But putting it all together streched out across the whole month and seemed almost never-ending. Fortunately I had the occasional helping hand – thanks Bernd and Sina! – without which we wouldn’t have had a functional kitchen by the move-in date at the end of the month.

What lies ahead…

Kitchen: done!

…just kidding. An endless array of cupboards had to be put together.

Cutting the workbench into fitting pieces.

Staying overnight for the first time.
Cut. Back to something else…

Some family gathering scenes:


Packing some more.

Filling rooms at the other end.

The call of the Akkuschrauber.

Helping hand.

Fuckin’ Alf

Done for the day.

And a moody sunsetty picture at the end…