December 2016
In December, we returned to Germany. We spent almost two weeks in the north before driving back home to Düsseldorf. It was the month of seeing friends and family again. And then, the year ended with the start of yet another trip.
After a couple of months driving outside Germany, it took me a few kilometres to get used to the Autobahn and 200 km/h fast cars again – a uniquely German stupidity. You really have to pay attention, because the speed difference on the next lane can vary greatly. And it’s not uncommon to witness dangerous situations. But I digress.
Coming back had it’s good sides, too, of course. We enjoyed Hamburg once again, met up with lots of friends, spent Christmas with the family, and got to enjoy a variety of German Christmas markets with all their delicious foods and drinks.
All these things eased the bit of sadness we felt as our trip through Scandinavia ended. It’s been a fantastic trip through beautiful landscapes and cities and an interesting and new experience living in a camper van full time. While working and travelling simultaneously does have its challenges, we agreed it doesn’t nearly outweigh the advantages. So, we’ll try and keep living that way in the future.
Here are December’s photos.

On the ferry from Trelleborg to Rostock. We’re on the truckers floor.

Dolphin on a break

At the car wash - woh-oow-woh-ooo-woh-oow-woh-ooo-woh!




Schon etwas weiter als Bill Gates

The Hamburgers: boxing Nazis since before it was cool


So metal

Sleeping under the bridge

Met up with Fabian IRL

Went to see Meshuggah together. Groovy!

Yay! Christmas markets!

Too much Glühwein?


Meeting up with Johannes again, too.

Sharing a ride with Henning.

Way too short visit.

Another short visit at Dad’s.

Upgrading. (Thanks, Bro!)

Back in Gursky-town

Sweet reunion


…for Okra restaurant.

Hm…. !?

The neighbours’ table

Quite the agenda.

Außer Betriebt

Getting more moneys…

…for more delicious Christmas market food.

Thankfully this display of the real world has since been replaced by a huge ad again.

New beers to try

Making prints. Exciting!

A few last colour shots with the Rolleiflex.

Then it was time to get it serviced. The film-advancing mechanism was increasingly misbehaving when loading a new roll.


New human

One valve in the water system broke. It was a bit of a wet situation trying to temporarily fix it. Didn’t work out, needed to order a new one.

Delicious Christmas feast I

New books for everyone

Even Stephan fits into our bathroom

Delicious Christmas feast II

Smartphone fun

New year’s eve, at the airport.

Off to Mallorca.

It was totally worth looking outside that morning…


First impressions

Modern technology is amazing

Getting ready…

…to party

Or not

Happy 2017!
